Community Yard Sale: Saturday, April 26
Gather up your junk! Clean our your closets! Your trash could be another person’s treasure! We have organized our Spring Community Yard Sale event for this coming Saturday, April 26 at 7am. You are welcome to set up at the common area parking lot or in your own yard (or combine areas with your neighbors and friends)!
We have advertised online at and and included addresses and details from those of you that submitted them to us. We also posted signs at the entrances on Cox Dr and Yowaiski Mill. Feel free to post your own ads and signs as well.
We hope for great weather and plenty of shoppers this weekend. Good luck to each of you!
Adopt-a-Road Clean-Up Day
Saturday, April 5, was our Spring community clean up day. We had 11 people participate including community service workers and some volunteers from Country Lakes (Thanks neighbors!). The county Public Works Dept. supplied street signs, bags and trash pick-up sticks for our use. For this event we cleaned the park area, Asher Rd, Yowaiski Mill, and Tin Top School Rd from Asher across Yowaiski to the end. We started at 9:00 am and finished by 12:30 pm.
Thank you to everyone that helped out with the organization, pickup, and hauling of the bags and debris from this event. Contact us at 301-884-7297 or if you are interested in volunteering for the next event in the Fall.
Always Looking for Board Members
We always welcome you to join our board meetings and consider joining the board of directors. We are a group of residents that volunteer to help manage the maintenance and events throughout the community. It is because of all of our (and your) dues that we are able to maintain the park and have these fun events.
We are always looking for help and volunteers, so please consider participating. New ideas and suggestions for events and community interaction are always welcome and encouraged.
Special Announcements & Neighborhood News
Theft at Vacant Homes
There are several homes in our community that are unoccupied for various reasons and many of them have been burglarized and vandalized. Please be aware of activity at vacant homes that may be near you. Several homes were burglarized in April (West Lakeland, Asher, Yowaiski). If you have any information related to these incidents, or may have noticed something out of the ordinary on these properties, please leave an anonymous message at 301-884-7297 or call the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Dept. at 301-475-8008.
Help Keep Our Playground Safe
We have recently replaced some of the older, more worn and broken swings at the playground. There have been reports of people throwing the swings over the top bar of the swing set causing the chains to tangle and the swings to be unusable. Please urge your children to respect the playground equipment in an effort to keep the area safe for kids of all ages. Thank you for your cooperation!
Call Miss Utility Before You Dig
With nice weather comes outdoor projects and honey-do lists! Please be sure to cover all your bases before starting those decks, additions, and anything else that may require you to dig. You can go online at or call 1-800-257-7777. Miss Utility is also on Twitter and Facebook.
Springtime Safety
Welcome, Spring! We are glad to finally see warmer temperatures and flipflop weather. When working in your yard, please be mindful of critters and animals that are also emerging, such as snakes, rabbits, spiders, and ants! Wear boots or sturdy shoes when weeding, and don’t forget the gloves to prevent blisters and contact with various poisons (Ivy, Oak, etc.)
Neighborhood Watch Program
There are currently 5 neighbors participating in our Neighborhood Watch Program, but we are always accepting newcomers. Please complete our online form at or contact Donald “Pud” Graham at 301-884-5236 or 301-717-6474.
Upcoming Events
CLHA Board Meetings
Our Board Meetings are held every four weeks on
Tuesdays at either the park pavilion (during warm months) or the Christ Church Parish Hall on Zack Fowler Rd. in Chaptico (during cold months). Upcoming meeting dates for the first quarter of 2014 are as follows:
- April 29,
- May 27, and
- June 24.
All meetings are at 7pm and last a maximum of 2 hours. Please bring your ideas/suggestions/complaints and we’ll try our best to address them appropriately.
Community Yard Sale – Sat, Apr 26
We have advertised on Baynet and and posted signs at our entrances. Set up in your yard or at the parking lot at the park (on a first come, first served basis).
Want to Volunteer? Call 301-884-7297
When calling our voice mail, your phone number must accept blocked numbers to receive a call back.