Join the NEW Neighborhood Watch Program
Several residents have expressed concern over events happening in our community. We all want Country Lakes to be a safe place to live and raise families. The HOA is listening and responding to the demand for an increased law enforcement or community outreach presence around the neighborhood.
We have formed a new Neighborhood Watch Program (NWP), led by volunteer resident Zach Brightwell. We appreciate Zach’s willingness to take on this responsibility and are looking forward to community participation to make this a success.
Zach has been in discussion with the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s department on how best to move forward and how to work together to ensure safety for Country Lakes residents. We need your help! We understand you are busy with life in general, but being part of the NWP doesn’t require much effort. Your involvement may require nothing more than communicating with the NWP when you see something that doesn’t seem right. We can all help to make our community a better, safer place to live.
If interested in learning more about the NWP, please sign up here.
2018 Dues Notice
Your 2018 dues statements will be mailed on June 1 and the annual dues are $51.53 for the 2018 year. To avoid late fees, please submit payment by July 1. We appreciate everyone that contributes every year to the upkeep of our community. Check my dues status.
Join the Board – or just attend a meeting!
Monthly HOA meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month. Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 10th at 6pm at Christ Church Parish Hall. Please consider attending a future HOA meeting. It truly is the best way to make a difference in your community. Volunteer
2018 Board of Directors and Members
The following is the outcome of the Dec 2017 Meet and Greet and Board Elections:
- Elaine Green remains as your HOA President.
- The Vice President position remains open.
- Richard Annema is your new HOA Secretary.
- Jim Loveless remains as your HOA Treasurer.
Your board members are as follows:
Mark Pullium, former Secretary, is still volunteering on the board. Will Gillingwater will continue as a board member. Bud Tarbox remains as your event coordinator and board member. Kim Beachy is your property manager. Jen Burtchette is your web manager. Zach Brightwell has joined the HOA as a board member and leader of the new Neighborhood Watch Program.
We are always accepting new board members. Please see what it’s all about by joining an upcoming HOA Meeting. Join us Tuesday, April 10 at the Christ Church Parish Hall to share your views and concerns. View 2018 HOA Meeting Schedule
NEW DATE: Community Clean Up Event
Due to weather, we rescheduled our Community Clean Up event. It will now be on Saturday, April 21st. We were unable to avoid it coinciding with our Yard Sale event, so please consider volunteering if you won’t be selling that day. A board member will be on hand to manage the event. Meet us at the pavilion at 9am and wear durable clothing and shoes.