CLHOA 1st Quarter – #16 January 2025Download
Newsletter: 2nd Quarter 2016
Categories: Newsletters
Letter From the President
Dear Country Lakes resident,
As many of you have already noticed, the Country Lakes HOA board of directors has acquired the services of the Law Firm of Andrews, Bongar, Gormley & Clagett as a mitigation initiative to bring all delinquent accounts into good standing. The initiative was necessary due to the excessive deliquencies.
The collected funds will be invested into the recreation area at Cox Drive and other services the HOA provides to its members and our community in general. If you have questions or concerns, contact our property manager, Kim Beachy, at your earliest at or 301-904-8114. Kim is working all requests diligently and as expeditiously as possible.
We want you to be informed and we welcome your comments and participation as well by using our Website ( or joining our monthly meetings. HOA meetings are on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7pm. Come to the paviion during warm months and Christ Church Parish Hall in Chaptico during cold months.
In addition, the HOA board of directors has started working on a master plan that covers the maintenance and improvement of the recreation area. We have received feedback from residents with very good ideas on park improvements. Again, your comments are welcomed and needed in order for us to plan and execute the real needs of the community. We appreciate your valuable input!
Kindest Regards,
Cesar Afanador | EMAIL ME
Country Lakes Homeowners Association
What’s Happening Online?
Have you seen the CLHA Facebook page? It’s an easy and quick way to communicate with your neighbors and board members directly. As of this newsletter, we have 404 followers and our posts often go viral, extending to “friends” of those followers as well.
We saw our biggest growth in number of friends during the first quarter of 2016! That is great news; It means the word is spreading and our page is getting even more popular. Don’t you think that’s an even better reason to join us? Find us at
Dues Statements Have Been Mailed
Year HOA fees were due July 1, 2016. Your dues statements were mailed in early June. If you have not received yours or if you feel there is a problem with your dues statement please email Kim at or call our voicemail line at (301) 884-7297. If you leave a voice mail message, please speak clearly and slowly, spell your name, and provide your mailing address. The voice mail system is checked for messages once per week. We are an all volunteer board, so please be patient; we will return your call. Thanks for understanding and your cooperation.
Park Amenities and Safety
Our park offers a pavilion with picnic tables, playground, two softball fields, a baseball field, a basketball court, two tennis courts and a walking path (almost 4/5th of a mile). All residents of the community are welcomed to use these amenities. Things to remember:
- The park closes at dusk.
- There is safety in numbers.
- Clean up after your pets.
- Respect the equipment (basketball rims, tennis nets, ball field backstops, swings, etc.)
- Playground equipment could get hot in the summer sun.
- Your safety and the safety of your children are your responsibility.
- And most of all, ENJOY YOURSELVES!
School is Out for Summer
School is out, which means a greater presence of kids around the community during the day and evening hours. Be mindful when driving through our streets.
ATTENTION PARENTS! Please share these pedestrian and biking rules with your children for their safety:
When walking on the shoulder of a street, you should be facing oncoming traffic. When bicycling, ride with the flow of traffic (on the same side). Stop signs are intended for motorized vehicles AND bicycles.
Upcoming Repairs Near the Park
County Maintenance will soon begin working to repair a sinkhole near the access road to the pavilion from Cox Drive. We estimate the work to take approximately 3 days. Please watch out for workers and possible road closures. We will try to alert everyone in advance of any closures that may affect your travels in the community. Please check our Facebook page often.
Submit a Bid
You have likely noticed the recurring sinkhole between the pavilion and playground. Please continue to stay away from the fenced off area. We currently have 1 bid for the repair work and would like to receive 2 more. If you or someone you know are interested in the repair work, please contact us with a bid here.
Your Feedback is Valuable to Us
Our volunteers try their best to respond timely to Facebook messages, voicemail messages, e-mails, and form submissions.
We urge you to participate in our monthly meetings, where a local police officer listens to our needs and concerns. The bigger presence we have at these meetings, the better change you will see in your community. Interested in volunteering? Click here. Thank you.
Upcoming Events – 3rd Quarter 2016
11th – HOA Board Meeting
Park pavilion at 7pm.
2nd – National Night Out
Join your neighbors at the park for a fun night of food, games and door prizes. This annual community-building event promotes police-community partnerships
and neighborhood comaraderie to make our
neighborhood a safer, better place to live.
8th – HOA Board Meeting
Park pavilion at 7pm.
10th – Community Yard Sale
Set up in your yard or at the pavilion. We will advertise on,, and Facebook. Please post your own signs, but remember to remove them following the event.
12th – HOA Board Meeting
Park pavilion at 7pm.
24th – Community Clean Up
Meet us at the pavilion at 9am to volunteer for this event. Board members will be on hand to manage the clean up route and provide supplies. Students can apply these hours to community service requirements.