CLHOA 1st Quarter – #16 January 2025Download
Newsletter – October 2019
Categories: Newsletters
Upcoming Events (see event calendar for details)
Trunk or Treat – Oct 26, 2019
HOA Meeting – Nov 12, 2019
Santa Visits the Park – Dec 8, 2019
Meet and Greet & Board Elections – Dec 15, 2019
Holiday Decorating Contest – Dec 15, 2019
1st Annual Craft and Vendor Fair a Success!
Country Lakes HOA would like to thank all the residents, vendors and general public who joined us on September 14th for our First Annual Vendor & Craft Fair Fundraiser. The event was held at the community park and was a great success.
A number of local vendors came out to showcase their unique products. We had vendors selling their own business products such as skincare, pressed flower art, tobacco stick crafts, jewelry, scrapbook supplies, and cakes/cake pops (she sold out of every dessert). Others sold some of the brands we all know and love such as Tupperware, Scentsy, Pure Romance, doTERRA Essential Oils, Origami Owl and more. Many of our vendors and local businesses donated raffle prize items that were raffled off. Many of our residents were winners of these prizes. Congrats!
While vendors were able to keep any profits from their own sales, funds raised from the vendor space rentals and raffle ticket sales went towards the fund for upgrades and maintenance to our community park and playground. The event generated $1015.27 for our community park playground!
Feedback from our vendors and patrons alike was very positive and many are already planning to join us next year. Mark your calendars because we are already making plans for the Second Annual Vendor & Craft Fair Fundraiser. The tentative date of September 12, 2020 is penciled on the calendar. The HOA is working on including food truck vendors to add to the event. If you or someone you know would like to participate as a vendor in next year’s event, please stay tuned. We plan to begin seeking vendors the beginning of 2020. Thanks again to all who made our first event a great success and we look forward to seeing everyone next year!
Fire Prevention this Fall
BURNING LEAVES THIS FALL? Until recently, we’ve had a very dry summer/fall, so please take precaution to keep yourself and your neighbors safe. Don’t burn near any buildings; don’t use an accelerant; don’t burn when it is windy outside; please call the Mechanicsville Volunteer Fire Department at (301) 884-4709 to let them know when you plan on burning. You can also visit their website for more helpful fire prevention tips.
Join the Adopt a Road Clean-up Crew
We organize two of these clean up events each year where neighbors and community service members join together to clean our streets. It’s a chance to volunteer your time to a good cause we can all appreciate. We post the dates in our events calendar and on Facebook, so please reach out if interested. Sign up here.
Park Use
The park is a great place to walk and play with your pets. Please remember to clean up after your pets. Neighborhood children also play at the park and should not have to worry about stepping in your pet’s mess.
Become a Board Member or Volunteer
Call 301-884-7297 or complete this form. When calling our voice mail, your phone number must accept blocked numbers to receive a call back and please allow a week for us to respond.
Join our Facebook Community
We currently have 827 followers on our online community. That is 153 NEW friends since 4Q 2018! Join your neighbors today and stay up to date on happenings around your community.