CLHOA 1st Quarter – #16 January 2025Download
Newsletter – 2nd Quarter 2015
Categories: Newsletters
Yearly Dues Statements Have Been Mailed
Your 2015 HOA dues statements have been mailed. You may have noticed the total is now $44.51, which is 5% higher than last years dues. This amount equates to just $2.12 more over the course of the year. We appreciate all of our homeowners and must occasionally raise the dues to ensure we can continue to maintain the common grounds to your standards. Most of these funds go to the maintenance of the common ground area at the park, including utilities, and new projects to improve the park, but some are also used to organize the yearly events that we all enjoy.
Please drop your check in the mail today to ensure to meet the July 1 deadline and avoid late fees. Questions? Submit this form.
School’s Out for Summer!
It’s official, the kids are out of school for the Summer! This means you will see more action on the streets at all times of the day, so please be mindful of our speed limits. Throughout most of the neighborhood the limit is 25mph. The local police have increased their patrols to ensure the safety of our community and the families within it. Enjoy the Summer with your family and friends. Stay cool.
Facebook Update: 298 Friends! (18 new friends since March)
Have you seen the CLHA Facebook page? It’s an easy and quick way to communicate with your neighbors and board members directly. We currently have 298 followers and our posts often go viral, extending to “friends” of those followers as well. Our most popular post in the 2nd quarter of 2015 reached more than 4000 people on Facebook; You read that correctly, four thousand people! It was about a found dog in the community. Bear went viral and found his owners thanks to our Facebook page! Join the conversation today!
Recent Work at the Park
Our board members have been busy maintaining the common area at the park. If you haven’t noticed, we have made the following updates and fixes:
- All the pavilion posts were painted
- a light was replaced at the pavilion
- missing boards on the bridge over the creek were replaced
- the roof to the lighted sign was repaired
- and the delapitated practice board on the tennis courts and the broken basketball backboard were removed for your safety.
We hope you are enjoying the park with your families and friends.
Neighborhood Safety
We just wanted to remind you all to be mindful of your surroundings. Get to know your neighbors. Look out for one another. There is safety in numbers! If you are interested in joining our Neighborhood Watch Program, please contact Donald “Pud” Graham at 301-884-5236 or 301-717-6474.
Reserve the Pavilion or Lighted Sign
The CLHA pavilion is a great place to hold a gathering of family or friends and it’s FREE. The common area playground and ball fields are located nearby. An electrical output is available and two fixed charcoal grills near the pavilion can be used for outdoor cooking.
The CLHA pavilion can only be reserved for private, personal get-togethers such as birthday parties, anniversary celebrations, family reunions, and picnics. It’s not available for organizational meetings or fundraisers.
Personal, non-commercial messages (for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, etc.,) can be posted on the CLHA lighted sign. The charge is $5 per day for a maximum of 5 days, payable in advance.
Follow these linkes to request a reservation of the CLHA pavilion or make lighted sign reservation. You can also call our voicemail line for reservations. We require a 2 week advanced notice. Only members in good standing (dues are current) can reserve either option.