Santa Visits the Park

Santa Claus is coming to the Country Lakes park. Come visit with him, enjoy some goodies and have some fun.

Trunk or Treat

Meet us at the park for Halloween fun. We’ve listened to your concerns, and are moving this event back to Halloween night! Start at the park for early trick or treating (at 5pm), then head around the neighborhood for traditional trick or treating if you’d like. We hope you’ll bring the kids for some fun, candy and a bonfire!

Fall Yard Sale

Set up in your yard or at the parking lot at the park on a first-come, first-serve basis. We will place ads on, here on our website, and on Facebook. You are welcome to place signs around the community, but please remember to remove them once the event is over!

RAIN DATE: October 17

Fall Adopt-a-Road Clean Up

Meet us at the park pavilion where we’ll plan our route to clean up the neighborhood. Volunteers appreciated.  Other community service workers might also be present. A board member will coordinate the event.  Please bring gloves and wear appropriate clothing for outdoor work! Sign up to volunteer, or just meet us at the park.

2nd Annual Vendor Craft Fair

Proceeds from the booth rentals for this event will go to our park playground fund!  RAIN DATE: September 19th

Booth Rental Information

Are you interested in setting up a booth at the vendor/craft fair? Complete this form or email for more information. NOTE: Vendor set up is from 8-9am. Vendor breakdown is from 3-4pm.

